Signature Fine-Art Prints



Below you find a curated selection of fine-art prints with motives from Sri Lanka (Ceylon), recommended for the art-buyer and the philanthropist in you.


I offer two series of fine-art prints:

1.    Limited Edition   2.    Open Edition


The only marked difference stands in price per limited availability and not in the quality of print or in the materials used. All prints thereby are archival museum prints.

The entire work flow from image making to printmaking was single handed by me, Shantan Kumarasamy and are exclusive signature prints, which are hand-signed by the artist.


The limited edition prints are numbered and come along with an authorized certificate of authenticity – an indispensable proof of investment for the art-buyer.

If you are interested in any of the prints, please get in touch:

Alternatively, if you are looking for a distinct and thematic image, please contact me, so I could do my best to curate a suggestive portfolio that matches your individual taste.

However, if you are interested in turning your own photographs into museum quality prints, please read here for more information.



Fine - Art Prints: Limited Edition



Fine - Art Prints: open Edition